Telephone Game Examples For Work

  1. Broken Telephone Game Examples

What it is: A simple, silly talking game with no winners or losers. Great for kids.

Most of us are familiar with the telephone game. For those that haven’t played, the game is very simple. What are some funny phrases to use for the game TELEPHONE DOWN THE LINE? The one where you say a sentence into someones ear, and then they say the same thing to the next person, then they say it to the next person, etc etc. Jun 9, 2012 - Some of the most important lessons that we learn in life are taught to us early on. For example, I'm sure that most of you can remember playing. It's like the classic 'Telephone Game', but with drawing and thousands of players. Miscommunication and hilarity ensues!

Best for: Group of 6 to 12. What you need: Just people to play. How to play: Sit all of your players in a line. The player at one end of the line (we’ll call her Janna) thinks of a phrase or saying.

Broken Telephone Game Examples

It can be something made-up; in fact, it’s often funnier if it is. Something like, for example, “The cow ate the apple pie.” It can be as silly as Janna wants, about people in the room or about something random. Once Janna thinks of her phrase, she whispers it quietly in the ear of the player next to her, Robby. Robby listens carefully, and then once Janna finishes whispering her phrase, he leans over and whispers it in the ear of the player next to him.


The game continues like this, with the phrase being passed all the way down the line of players. Now if Robby doesn’t clearly hear the phrase Janna whispers or it doesn’t make much sense to him, he CAN’T ask Janna to repeat it – that’s a rule.


Each player is only allowed to say the phrase once. So if Robby didn’t hear right, he just has to guess the best he can at what the phrase might be and whisper it to the next player. That’s where the fun of the game comes in, because by the time the phrase reaches the end of the line, it’s usually so different from the original as to be silly. Once the last player (we’ll call him Benny) has the phrase whispered in his ear, he repeats it out loud to the other players, and then everyone laughs at the absurd differences in the sentences; perhaps as what started as “The cow ate the apple pie” ends as “Now Nate learns to fly.” To play another round, have Janna move to the end of the line and let Robby start the next phrase. Variations: Telephone is a good simple game, but there are some more involved – and fun – variations involving.

• To play the Telephone or the Broken Telephone game, there should be a minimum of 6-8 heads. Try including as many people as you can as it will make the game more fun and entertaining. • Make everyone stand in a straight line. For bigger groups, even a circular arrangement would work. • Start the game by whispering a word or preferably a phrase in the ear of the person standing next to you.

Try whispering as softly as possible to avoid any other person from hearing it. Let's assume that the phrase whispered is 'bananas are better than biscuits.' • The next person whispers whatever he/she heard to the person standing next to him, and the game continues in this fashion until the last person receives the phrase. • The fun actually begins when each person hears and communicates a different version of the original phrase to the next person. So for instance, the third or fourth person might have heard 'bananas are bitter than biscuits', and till it reaches the last person, it could have been something like this, 'bandannas are butter and lipsticks.'

• The first and the last person say aloud the original and modified phrase, respectively. In most cases, both the phrases have no connection at all, especially the last phrase being completely weird and funny, getting a hearty laugh out of everyone.

We learn that when their father left for the war, Sokka was too young to go with, and with no father figures left he wasn’t able to complete the male rights of passage that are traditional for their tribe. Bato sets out to right that wrong and also promises incoming word from their father on the battlefront. Bato of the Water Tribe (1×15) This episode offers an always-welcome peek into Sokka and Katara’s water tribe upbringing, putting the culture’s Inuit-inspired traditions front and center when they run into a friend of their warrior fathers. Avatar the last airbender episode 3 season 2.